by November 22, 2011
onI just recently tried to build a small WPF application in F# and although Visual Studio 2010 does not provide great support for WPF in concerns of F# the experience was not as bad as expected.
I will give you a short walkthrough on how to create a new F# project in Visual Studio and how to use WPF in there.
The first thing you have to do is to create a new F# application in Visual Studio.
Open the Properties of your newly created project
Select Windows Application as Output type (in the Application tab)
Basically you are now ready to start hacking a fine WPF application in F#. In order to define your application’s entry point you may want to add the following lines in your main source file:
namespace WpfSharpProject
open System
open System.Windows
module Program =
let main args =
In order to conveniently handle the WPF controls I found a few helper functions to be very handy:
open System
open Microsoft.FSharp.Control
module Utils =
/// Create a new window instance from the given XAML filename
let window assembly name
let uri = sprintf "/%s;component/%s" assembly name
Application.LoadComponent(new Uri(uri, UriKind.Relative)) :?> Window
/// Find the resource with the given name
let (?) (window : Window) name =
window.FindName name |> unbox
/// Imitate the C# event handler syntax
let inline (+=) (event : IEvent<_, _>) handler =
(event :> IDelegateEvent<_>).AddHandler(RoutedEventHandler(handler))
The last thing you have to do is to create a new XAML file, add its BuildAction to Resource
and add the matching code-behind F# source file. You find a small example down below:
<!-- File: SharpWindow.xaml -->
<Window xmlns=""
Width="500" Height="400"
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
<!-- ... -->
The code-behind F# source file:
// File: SharpWindow.xaml.fs
namespace WpfSharpProject
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Controls
open System.Windows.Data
type SharpWindow private (xaml : Window) as this =
// associate a few controls
let quit : Button = xaml?quitBtn
let import : Button = xaml?importBtn
let export : Button = xaml?exportBtn
// connect a few event handlers
quit.Click += this.quitClick
import.Click += this.importClick
export.Click += this.exportClick
new () =
SharpWindow(window "WpfSharpProject" "SharpWindow.xaml")
member this.Run() =
(new Application()).Run xaml
member this.quitClick sender args =
// ...
That’s pretty much all you need to get started with your WPF hacking in F#. I was very surprised how the creation of a small application like this was not much more complicated than it would have been in C#.
So you don’t have to be too frightened by Visual Studio 2010 not shipping a builtin project template or sophisticated support for WPF and try it out yourself!