by June 7, 2012
onThis post is a fairly rough collection of things on git I consider worth saying and noting for myself (as a reference). Hopefully I will keep on updating this with new tips and improvements.
These are my default git aliases I configured on every box I work on:
br = branch
ci = commit
co = checkout
df = diff
lg = log --graph --oneline --decorate --all
st = status --branch --short
unadd = reset HEAD
ffmerge = merge --ff-only
fixup = commit --amend -C HEAD
You can define your aliases via git config
Use color where possible:
Use a mergetool for diffing and merging:
Stage parts/hunks of your changes interactively:
Stage files interactively:
git add -i
Checkout/discard parts of the current changes in your working directory:
This is how you create a new branch for changes you already did and switch those on a new branch (this is a command I use all the time):
# take my current working directory changes
# create a new branch called 'fix_issue21'
# and immediately switch to the created branch
git checkout -b fix_issue21
Show branched that are branches that are completely merged into the current branch:
git branch --merged
This would be the opposite - branches that do have unique commits in it:
git branch --no-merged
Find a branch that have a particular commit in it:
git branch --contains 7e830ac7
There is actually one pretty standard use case of rebasing which is to rebase your topic branch off the latest version of the master branch. The usual way is probably something like this:
# we are currently on the topic branch
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout topic_branch
git rebase master
But there is actually a pretty nice way to speed up this workflow without actually touching your local master branch:
git fetch && git rebase origin/master
Use the interactive rebasing:
Show all commits reachable by branchA that are not reachable by branchB:
git log branchA ^branchB
A typical example might be: “which commits are in my topic branch that are not yet merged into master?”:
git log feature ^master
Another one: “which commits I just fetched from origin that are not yet merged into master”:
git log origin/master ^master
I don’t get tired of this: “which new commits will be pushed to origin?”:
git log master ^origin/master
Important log options you will use from time to time:
Who modified what changes in the specified file?
This is how you would remove a branch on a remote:
You can easily check out a specific branch and track its remote:
git checkout -b feature origin/feature
# these two would do exactly the same
git checkout -t origin/feature
git checkout feature
If you want to get the work from a remote branch that you don’t want to add permanently to your remotes you can add the remote address to the pull
git checkout -b user
git pull 'git://'
Get more human-readable names for a specific commit:
git describe HEAD
git describe HEAD@{1.month.ago}
Get more verbose output of curl
when communicating over http like cloning:
Show the last commit that contains a specific string (regular expression match):
git show :/fixed
git show :/^Merged
Create a bundle file:
git bundle create repo.bundle master
Now you can send the binary file via email, copy it on a usb drive and the like and treat it like a remote:
# show branches in the bundle
git ls-remote repo.bundle
# clone from the bundle file
git clone repo.bundle -b master localrepo
cd localrepo
Some really great sites or talks on stuff about git: