by November 15, 2012
onInspired by a F# snippet on that generated a Conway sequence look-and-say sequence I chose to implement the same using haskell.
The Conway sequence is built by reading the input string/sequence from left to right and returning the number of repeated consecutive elements. Eg. 1211
is converted to 111221
which in turn is processed into 312211
My pretty straight forward approach looks like the following:
module Conway (getConway) where
import Data.List (unfoldr)
-- | 'getConway' generates an inifinite Conway look-and-say sequence
-- (sequence A006715 in OEIS). See
-- A simple use of 'getConway':
-- > (take 3 $ getConway "abc") == ["abc","1a1b1c","111a111b111c"]
getConway :: String -> [String]
getConway input =
unfoldr (\seed -> Just(seed, getNext seed)) input
grp x (Just l, c, lst) =
if x == l then (Just l, (c+1), lst)
else (Just x, 1, (show c) ++ (l : lst))
grp x (Nothing, _, _) = (Just x, 1, [])
appendLast (a, b, c) =
case a of
Just chr -> (show b) ++ chr : c
otherwise -> c
getNext = appendLast . foldr grp (Nothing, 0, [])