RVM - ruby version manager

by Gregor Uhlenheuer on October 3, 2011

During my attempts to install Vagrant 1 on my gentoo machine I stumpled upon RVM – the ruby version manager. Using RVM you are able to maintain multiple ruby environments in parallel. So you can have i.e. ruby-1.8.7 and ruby-1.9.2 installed next to each other and switch with only a couple of commands.


The RVM installation process is explained in detail on the RVM website but I just want to sum up the steps I did on my machine.

Now you are ready to install and load a ruby instance of your liking:


RVM allows you to have multiple sets of RubyGems even for one single ruby version – these sets are called gemsets. A typical workflow borrowed from the RVM website looks like this:

  1. see my article on Vagrant

This post is tagged with gentoo, linux and ruby