How to utilize multi-stage docker builds and static built golang executables to create compact images
Walkthrough on how to get started on building a custom hubot instance that integrates your Grafana dashboards into your slack workspace
Have your protobuf message definitions dynamically loaded in your python script
How to build a minimalistic docker image for erlang applications based on the alpine base image
Find some hints on how to build reusable statically linked C++ binaries with the help of docker
Lately I had to fix some gentoo ebuild package - I describe a few possibilities I found how to do that.
I wrote a tiny extension for god in order to watch the number of open file descriptors of a running process.
See how you can run a god controlled ejabberd instance inside a docker container
Useful plugins and settings you may want to know when using vim for programming
Using gentoo on your Raspberry Pi may sound like a suboptimal choice considering the awful long compile times. To speed things up you can setup your main workstation to serve as a distcc build server.
A short installation walkthrough on how to get the Raspberry pi to run gentoo linux
Vagrant is a nice and convenient tool to dynamically build configurable, lightweight and portable virtual machines using Oracle's VirtualBox.
RVM is a pretty convenient ruby version manager that enables easy management of parallel ruby environments.
Ever wanted to unzip files from a zip archive without wanting to extract the directory structure?
Changing X11 resolution on-the-fly without restarting the Xserver
Time to get into social coding with git: join
I just picked some random vim stuff you might find useful
dwm is a dynamic tiled window manager for X11
In order to clean up your portage-installed packages there is a great tool called udept